About Buffalo Web Services

Buffalo Web founder and president Mark Yetto started programming websites in the late 1990’s. Although the web was still in its infancy and there were few websites online, he focused on building and integrating online content delivery systems in preparation for the coming web explosion. By the time he launched Buffalo Web in 2001, the web was beginning to thrive, and Buffalo Web was well-positioned to provide local businesses with the full suite of services necessary to harness the power of the nascent web easily and efficiently.
Since then, Buffalo Web has grown both in their size and in the breadth of their service offerings. Their acquisitions of Beachcomber Creations in 2013, Vision 108 in 2016, and Quad-B Systems (now Buffalo Wired) in 2017 added further capabilities, namely Cloud services, online backup technology, and a local IT services team. Buffalo Web now stands as one of the largest and longest-serving regional players in the WNY web community.